Covid-19 Update for October
As clients travel from Florida and other states to our area, I am asked about our Covid-19 restrictions. So here goes:
As of October 1st, in Haywood County, NC, we have had 618 total cases with 31 deaths. In the entire state of NC we have had 211,000 cases with 3565 deaths.
Friday, October 2nd at 5 PM, begins phase 3 of our statewide restrictions. Masks and social distancing are always required in public. The restrictions on businesses and gatherings have changed as below:
- Outdoor venues with 10,000 + capacity may operate at 7% occupancy.
- Smaller venues outdoors may operate at 30% capacity or 100 guests, whichever is less.
- Movie Theaters and Conference Centers indoors may operate at 30% capacity or 100 guests, whichever is less.
- Bars Outdoors may operate at 30% capacity or 100 guests, whichever is less.
- Amusement Parks may operate at 30% capacity on the outdoor attractions only.
- Limits on mass gatherings remain at 25 people indoors or 50 people outdoors.
- The 11PM curfew on alcohol sales for in-person consumption in restaurants & outdoor bars will be extended through October 23rd.
If you are planning a trip to our area and have questions, please call us and we will try to help. Also, it looks like we may have a beautiful fall color season this year.
Stay safe!