Halloween, Fall Colors & Snow Flakes

The first photo was taken a couple of weekends ago near Graveyard Fields off the Blue Ridge Parkway, near mile post 419.  Colors were excellent this year, but came on a bit late.  This Wednesday and Thursday we had 4 inches of rain at my home, and lots of wind.  This combined to blow lots of leaves off the trees.  The colors are still pretty this weekend, if a bit on the brownish side here in the valley.

The second photo is our Halloween Mascot here at the office.  When you approach him, he says “Who dares take my candy!”  We participated in the “Maggie Valley Candy Trail” here at the office last evening.  We gave candy to lots of cute little goblins and ghosts.  Everyone had lots of fun, and some of the costumes were great.  We had lots of rain earlier in the day, but the rain ended and a rainbow appeared for the trick or treaters.   Later, after dark, we even had some snow that was still hanging around on some of the higher peaks this morning.

Now we can start getting a menu together for Thanksgiving!

We hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas Season.