The Inventory of Homes for Sale Continues to Shrink
I looked at few numbers today in our Multiple Listings Service (MLS). Our inventory of homes for sale in Haywood County in the 0- $400,000 range is down to 345 homes. There were 84 homes sold in the past month in this price range. That means we now have only a 4.1 months supply of homes. Just a little over 3 years ago we had over a 36 month supply homes in the 0 to $400,000 price range. That equates to almost 9 times the supply we now have on the market. We have definitely gone from a buyer’s market to a seller’s market.
In the 0- $300,000 range, our supply is even lower with only a 3 month supply of homes for sale. (245 homes on the market with 81 sold in the last 31 days)
As the price range gets lower, the numbers shrink again. In the 0-$200,00 price range, we have only 107 homes on the market and have sold 41 in the last 31 days. That equates to a 2.6 month supply of homes in this price range.
If you have a home here, and have considered selling, now is a GREAT TIME TO SELL! Give us a call and we will do a market analysis on your home to see how much your home is worth in this current seller’s market.
If you are a buyer, and are looking for a home here, let us know. We can create a custom “Portal” for you within our MLS. As new homes come on the market matching your search criteria, you will receive an email link to the MLS information on those homes. As a buyer in a seller’s market, acting swiftly when you see that “perfect home” is very important, as listings can come on the market today, and be sold tomorrow.