Maggie Valley is Growing!
According to the 2020 Census numbers released on August 12, 2021, Maggie Valley had a larger population gain than any other municipality in Haywood County. From 2010 to 2020 Maggie Valley went from 1150 residents to 1687 residents, for a gain of 537 residents or a 47% population gain. To put that in perspective: Canton had a 4.6% population gain, Clyde had an 11.9% gain, and Waynesville gained only 2.7%. Maggie Valley actually had more new residents than Canton and Waynesville combined.
Based on the new tax appraisals, Maggie Valley was able to lower the tax rate from $0.43 per hundred dollars of appraised value to $0.40. This make the tax rate for the town of Maggie Valley the lowest of any municipality in Haywood County.
Maggie Valley will celebrate its 50th year as an incorporated municipality in 2024. It would be great to see our population up to 2000 residents by then. Based on the current rate of increase, this seems entirely possible.
One other bragging right of Maggie Valley- the general fund of Maggie Valley remains completely debt free for a second year.
Thinking of moving to the mountains? Come on up to Maggie Valley; we’ll keep the door open for you.