Update on Corona Virus Restrictions
Currently we are still under state mandated restrictions here in Haywood County. As of May 8th many more retail businesses opened here, with restrictions to 50% normal occupancy and 6 ft. social distancing to be observed. Hair salons, barber shops, nail salons, tanning salons, and tattoo parlors will still remain closed. Childcare can now open for working parents. Restaurants and bars remain closed for dine-in service and on-premises beverage consumption. Movie theaters, bowling alleys, performance venues, health clubs and gyms remain closed. However, the stay at home order still remains in place. Visitation is still banned at long-term care facilities.
We can leave home to purchase groceries, or to shop at any retail shops that are now open. We can leave home to golf, walk, run, hike, fish or hunt while observing social distancing. We can also gather at other people’s homes, limited to groups of 10 or less. We can also travel to medical appointments and government services. Worship services are encouraged to be outside and observe social distancing. I have seen some drive-in church services. All employees, where possible, are encouraged to work from home.
The above is meant as a general recap, and is not all-encompassing. Hopefully we will see phase 2 restrictions in a few weeks to free-up more options for everyone.
Out of state buyers can still come here to view real estate. Real estate is considered an essential business. Let us know your plans and we will assist in finding lodging for your visit.
Stay safe out there, and wear your mask when you are in public.